As you may know, Microsoft stock is one of the most valued companies in Wall-street, having surpassed the million-dollar mark in the early '19s, a feat achieved only by Amazon, one of the most recognized platforms in the world. After a few troubled years, the Microsoft share has shone on the stock market, becoming one of the best long-term investments. In this guide, will be detailed the strengths and weaknesses of Microsoft.
The evolution of Microsoft stock on the stock market
Almost all the shares of microsoft stock have experienced a period of strong growth in previous years, even reaching 90% growth, after exceeding a value of 230 dollars per share. Its capitalization, as mentioned exceeded millions of dollars in April 2019, which has never been reached until today. For a long time, microsoft stock has been classified by investors as a cyclical financial asset. The case of publicly traded companies associated with the technology sector. But in recent years, companies have diversified its service offering, no longer classifying its shares exclusively as pure technology, but rather as a source of revenue.
Microsoft stock current results in the stock market
Microsoft stock's financial actions for the fourth quarter of 2020 through its second fiscal quarter of 2021, were above analyst consensus expectations with earnings of $2.2 versus $1.64 per share. Its quarterly earnings were over $33, 076 million. Its net income increased to over 40% to $15.6 million. All companies were strong and growing, with growth of over 21% in cloud services and over 9% in the personal electronics division, including stock. On this, the cloud and stock increased Microsoft's revenue to a 23%, not to say 11, 012 million dollars. The commercial cloud therefore includes infrastructure services Asure, Office 365 productivity software and more.